Tuesday, January 15, 2008

R & D's DogHouse Bar and Grill in East Austin at Caesar Chavez and Comal

Twenty five years ago I used to stop at this place at lunchtime with some painter friends so we could buy a six pack at lunchtime. It was much smaller but where the corner is cut off for the entrance, as shown in the video, there was a drive up window to a beerjoint. This place is pretty nice now days. The people in the bar, in the afternoons, are mostly neighborhood Mexican American East Austinites playing a little pool and having a brew or two before going home to dinner. There are never as many vehicles in the parking lot as there are people inside which leads me to believe they walk in. It is smack dab in a residential commercial conglomerate and qualifies as a totally authentic neighborhood beer joint. Ten years ago I visited this neighborhood from time to time, to absorb the local culture, but I would have been afraid to live near there. Now, I can't afford too. East Austin is exploding with growth and it all costs mucho dinero, pero tango no bastante. Note : The small, very artistic and funny as hell , picture was taken by my good friend Will Indian Sr and lifted from his myspace page of the same name.

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