Friday, February 29, 2008

Slick Willie's Family Pool Hall on South Lamar in Austin Texas

I set the bar low (good unintentional pun there) when I started this project but I discovered there are many different ways for a bar to present itself in this world and a pool hall is one of them. I was thinking of the pool halls of my youth. Boy have things come a long way since then. This place actually houses a very nice bar in the middle of a huge sea of 8 foot regulation pool tables. It kind of boggles the mind at first. It has been at this location for a pretty good while, maybe six or seven years or more, and I planned to include it in this blog from the get go I was just waiting for a day when I wanted to make an easy video and that day was today. It really does look like a great place for Mom to drop off Dad and the kids so she can go shopping at the mall and Dad can get wasted at the bar since Mom's driving. Plus it will burn into a kid's mind as a quality moment with dad as long as you are free with your money. I liked it, it was fun. If I had younger kids I would bring them here and I'm going to tell my grown kids that it is a fine and friendly place they should check out. watch the video to see what I mean.

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